In building RĒJINS, culture serves as my greatest inspiration. As a Filipino-American and avid traveler who has been fortunate to live and work abroad, I am deeply moved by the beauty of diversity in our world. From the people we meet in our lives, the food we taste, and the music we dance to, beauty is found in every corner of the globe.

It's my intent to create a well-aging skincare line that prioritizes the unique needs of people with skin of color. We're here to cultivate a connection between groups, celebrate our cultural heritage and uniqueness, and create a setting for empowerment at any stage in life. RĒJINS represents a way of living where community and connection nourish the mind, body, and soul.

I hope that when you use our products in your wellness ritual, you are empowered by your unique beauty, that we inspire you to live authentically, and that you be a citizen of the world. This is the spirit of RĒJINS. 

With gratitude,
